If you were stuck on a deserted island, which three teachers would you bring with you and why?


“Rene Ayala because he’s so fine, Jeff Martz because he’d tell us what to do, and Lori Martz because she would make our clothes.” – Linda Bonura

“Ben Varvil because he could build me a house, Mary Buchanan because she could start a fire, and Sandy because she can cook food.” – Paula Berry

“Doc Wing because he is resourceful and we get along really well, David Smith because he’s funny and poetic, and Francie Salle because she knows her food.” – Cooper Clark

“Sheila Bennett-Newton because she has good books, Doc Wing because he can help us survive, and Lori Martz because she would knit us clothes.” – Raquel Nelson

“Jasper Thelin and Rod Milstead because they are both funny and Cooper Clark because he’s practical and like a boy scout.” – Marlene Kandall

“Amity Hotchkiss because she’s my buddy, Mary Jane Jones because she’s funny, and Ben Varvil because he could build things.” – Diana Winkler

“Three of Jeff Martz.” – Jasper Thelin

“Three of Lori Martz.” – Jeff Martz

“Ben Varvil because he can make things, Jasper Thelin because he reminds me of Tom Hanks in Cast Away, and Liz Seabury because we would need a leader.” – Tristan Bodle

“Alyssa Fong because I like her company, Mary Boston because she makes me laugh, and Judy King just because.” – Susanna Nash

“Three of Jeff Martz.” – Lori Martz

“Mary Kitchens to keep me company, Jasper Thelin because he’s so fun, and Doc Wing because he would get us off the island.” – Paul Grifo

“Paul Grifo because he would scare away wild animals, Doc Wing because he knows his biology, and Jasper Thelin because he is pure entertainment.” – Mary Kitchens

“Jeff Martz, Judy King, and Paul Grifo because that would be a crazy group.” – David Smith

“Greg Doherty because he makes me laugh, Shelly Norstad because she could take care of me if I got sick, and Rene Ayala because he would keep me fit.” – Francie Salle

“Chizzie Brown because we’ve been partners for 13 years, Kathleen McCormick because she’s like a sibling, and Rod Milstead because he could 3D print us a boat to get off the island.” – Dan Freeman

News Segment on Jaywalking Students Causes Concern

By Samantha Gilbert and Nick Seminerio

A television segment on students jaywalking across Sir Francis Drake Blvd during lunch aired Thursday, Oct. 24. on Kron4 News. It was part of the Kron4 News segment “People Behaving Badly,” produced by reporter Stanley Roberts.

The segment focuses on catching people behaving badly, such as using fake disabled parking placards, according to another segment on Roberts’ YouTube channel.
Two of the students shown in the jaywalking segment expressed concerns about being filmed by Roberts and not seeing him. The segment appeared to show Roberts filming from his car on Calumet Ave facing students running across Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
“Where was the guy filming me from and why didn’t I see him?” Junior Eli Sylla asked.
Students had simple reasons for not using the crosswalk. “[If] it’s an open street I may as well cross then, instead of walking to the crosswalk and having to wait,” Junior Jake Kordick said.
Students were not the only ones who had concerns with the segment. Administrators did not know the segment was being aired nor did the news network reach out to them beforehand. The tip for the story came from a viewer email, according to Roberts. “We were disappointed because we did not have an opportunity to respond. I would urge community members to contact the school directly if they have safety concerns, so we can immediately address the student body,” Assistant Principal Chad Stuart said.
Students jaywalking during lunch has been a regular issue, according to Campus Supervisor Lena Herrera. She said supervisors will be making more of an effort to monitor jaywalking students following the segment. Also, she urged parents to talk to their kids about safety because they won’t be able to monitor the issue all the time. “I’m a parent too, [and] I told my daughter to use the crosswalk,” Herrera said.
Tell us your thoughts about the segment in our poll above.

Who is your celebrity crush?


“Harrison Ford.” – Susanna Nash

“Justin Timberlake, Adam Sandler and Jemaine Clement.” – Jolie Jacobs

“Brad Pitt circa 1990s.” – Alyssa Fong

“My husband.” – Lena

“Kelly O’Donnell because she looks like a leprechaun.” – Tristan Bodle

“Katy Perry.” – Ben Varvil

“Sister Wendy Beckett.” – Jeff Martz

“It’s a toss up between Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green and Christina Aguilera.” – Martha Cederstrom

“Ryan Gosling, Daniel Day Lewis, and Key and Peele.” – Diana Winkler

“Sting, Robert Downey Jr., Zac Efron, and Idris Elba.” – Raquel Nelson

“Maria Sharapova.” – John Hayden

“Jennifer Conelley.” – Charlie Ehmann

” Brad Pitt and Carrie Fisher circa 1983.” – Cooper Clark

“Sure as hell ain’t Miley Cyrus.” – Pat

“Eddie Vedder.” – Kay Cavan

“Raquel Welch circa 1970s.” – Brad Katuna

“Johnny Depp.” – Steve Bluestone

“Harrison Ford circa 1980 and James Hemsworth.” – Laurie Hailer

Recent Bike Thefts Prompt Administrative Response

By Nick Seminerio

Update – Monday, Dec 16

Four more bike thefts have occurred in the last couple of months, according to Assistant Principal Chad Stuart.

The recent thefts have broken the trend of the bikes being stolen during school hours. These thefts have occurred at night or during the weekend, Stuart said.

Stuart cautioned students for leaving valuables on campus after school. “[You] put yourself at high risk of losing an expensive item if left outside unsupervised,” Stuart said.


A recent outbreak of bike thefts has prompted administrators and campus assistants to have more of a presence on campus. There have been three bike thefts since September, and all have occurred during school hours, according to Assistant Principal Chad Stuart.

The first theft occurred on Sept. 5, when a bike was stolen from the racks in front of the main office. However, Stuart believes the latest two thefts, on Friday Oct. 11, and Tuesday Oct. 15, and both at the fieldhouse bike rack, are related. “We do believe these two are related…[Our] investigation tells us that on both of those two thefts, it was an adult, a non student. The adult rode on campus with a cheaper bike, dropped that off, cut the lock of a more expensive bike, and rode off,” Stuart said.

The investigation is ongoing, so Stuart isn’t able to provide a description of the suspect or share any more details. Administration is working with the Central Marin Police Authority (CMPA) on the case.

Our school is not the only one to have been victimized by bike thieves. Redwood High School has seen similar thefts, and the CMPA is investigating to see if those thefts are related to the ones on our campus, Stuart said.

Additionally, Mill Valley Police have arrested two suspects for stealing bikes at Tamalpais High School. Stuart does not know if there is a connection in that case.

The recent thefts have prompted campus supervisors Rich Blasewitz, Pat Hazelrigg, and Lena Herrera to be out in the hallways more, looking for suspicious activity. Blasewitz added, “We’re keeping an eye out for an adult, anyone unusual hanging around the bike racks,” he said.

In addition to increased patrols, Stuart is asking students to call 911 immediately if they witness a bike theft, and give as much of a description of the suspect as possible. He added that students should then tell an adult, but not try to stop the theft.

As for students who ride their bikes to school, locking the bike and parking it in the rack in front of the main office is better, according to Stuart. He pointed out that the more expensive the bike, the bigger of a target it is.

The investigation is ongoing, and we will update this story with more information as we receive it.

If you could have any kind of competition with a historical figure or celebrity who would it be and what would the competition be?

“I’d want to have an Enlightenment rhetoric battle with the Founding Fathers to persuade them not to include slavery in the original Constitution.” – Paul Grifo

“I’d play platform tennis with Chris Evert, Steffi Graf, and Martina Navratilova. It would be fun because they are all great sports and they would pick up platform tennis quickly but I would be the one teaching them which would be super cool.” – Chizzie Brown

“I would love to be on the trail with Lewis and Clark. We would split into two teams and race across the United States and back. I’d have Patchen Homitz and Eric Saibel on my team. It would be like survivor because we would have to figure out our own routes, how to travel, what to eat, and how to deal with potential hostile Native Americans.” – Dan Freeman

“I would mud-wrestle Jesus. I could take him.” – Tristan Bodle

“I’d like to have an intellectual debate with Alexis de Tocqueville on perceptions of America past versus present.” – Liz Seabury

“I’d have a song writing competition with Stephen Sondheim, the composer of Sweeney Todd.” – David Smith

“I would have a debate with senator Ted Cruz about economic policy. Everyone says he is really smart, but I’d like to test that for myself.” – Fred Beale

“I would play scrabble with Mark Twain.” – Francie Salle

“I’d like to have a singing contest with Louis Armstrong.” – Shelly Norstad

“I’d have a sideburn growing contest with Elvis Presley.” – Aaron Wilkerson

“I would arm wrestle Charles Darwin.” – John Hayden

“I’d like to have a hotdog eating contest with Takeru Kobayashi.” – Cooper Clark

“I would challenge Leonardo Da Vinci to a facts of the human body contest.” – Paula Berry

Varsity Soccer and Football Prepare for Big Games Tomorrow

By Samantha Gilbert

As the fall sports season comes to an end, both varsity soccer and varsity football are aiming to add a few more wins to their current record. Both teams have had exciting seasons so far, but there are only a few games left before playoffs.

Varsity soccer currently stands at seven wins and four losses. They play San Marin tomorrow at 4 p.m. at Red Hill Park. With a home field advantage, and having previous beaten this team earlier in the season, Coach Ayala and his team are hoping to beat them once more. Unfortunately though, their star forward, junior Ian Slaughter, won’t be playing tomorrow due to illness, so the team will need some extra fan support to compensate.

Varsity football also has a big game tomorrow. They play at San Rafael high school at 7 p.m. under the lights. They have a record of four wins and two losses as of now. Although the football team won’t have a home field advantage, they significantly beat San Rafael last year, so they’re preparing on doing the same this time around. Even though their chances look good, they could still use the support of their fellow peers.

The fall season is almost over, but there are still a few games left. So support your Pirate athletes and make an appearance at the soccer game at 4 p.m. at Red Hill Park and the football game at 7 p.m. at San Rafael High School. Go Pirates!

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Valley Games Return This Saturday

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By India Neville

The 4th annual Valley Games, the popular biannual Olympic-style competition between Valley communities, will be held this Saturday, Oct. 19

Five teams, known as Villages, will be participating in competitions for all ages for a chance to go home with the winning title.  Participants can choose from five teams—the Forest Knolls Trolls, the San Geronimo Runnin’ Salmon, the Woodacre Wild Turkeys, the Lagunitas Lightnin’ or the Non-Native Invaders.

The games began in 2007 as a way to raise money for the construction of the Community Gym, according to event organizer and Drake art teacher, Jasper Thelin.

“It’s a great chance for all the people of the San Geronimo Valley and beyond to come together and compete in easy, good-natured events,” said Thelin.

Registration opens at 10:00 a.m., and includes a pancake breakfast.  The cost is $15 for youth, $25 for adults, and free for volunteers. The games begin at 11:00 a.m. and run until 3:00 p.m.  They will end with an awards ceremony at 3:15 p.m.

There are also opportunities to volunteer at the event. Volunteers, known as Event Honchos, will lead events, which include recording and reporting scores.  “Please contact me if you want community service hours, the free breakfast, free shirt, and guaranteed fun!” Thelin said.

Please contact Jasper Thelin for more information at jstarfiret@hotmail.com or visit http://www.facebook.com/vsgvalleygames

What would be your dream job if you couldn’t be a teacher?


“I would want to be an architect or a builder because it would be satisfying to design beautiful spaces for people.” – Fred Beale

“I want to be a radio talk show host on KQED.” – Francie Salle

“I’d want to win the lottery and not work. Either that or be a sports agent for baseball.” – Rich

“I’d want to be an entertainment coordinator at Club Med.” – Doug Donellan

“I want to be a contractor for the United States Antarctic program. I’d spend 6 months in Antarctica and then 6 months somewhere else, and then repeat that.” – Doc Wing

“I’d like to be a full-time gardener. I love gardening.” – Mary Buchanan

“I’d want to research dolphin ecology.” – Sue Fox

“A pilot. I want to fly.” – Rod Milstead

“I’d like to be a professor if I wasn’t a teacher. That’s the practical answer. But my real answer is a museum curator.” – Jeff Martz

“I’d like to be a play-by-play sports announcer for baseball.” – Jasper Thelin

“I would want to be in charge of a personal engineering firm and have lots of people working for me to complete my dream projects.” – Ben Varvil

Dance Troupe to Perform at Homecoming Rally

By Nick Seminerio

Dance Troupe is set to perform at the Homecoming rally on Friday, Oct. 11. The group has rebounded from a temporary stop in activity earlier this month, when administrators announced they were putting the troupe on pause, citing concerns with safety and the competitive selection process.

In order for a quick comeback, administrators and team captains worked together to host new tryouts on Friday, Oct 4. Dancers were judged by an adult panel, made up of Linda Bonura, Jolie Jacobs, Patty Parnow, and Laurie Hailer. The new tryout system was put in place to reduce favoritism and keep the students focused on dancing, according to Assistant Principal Eric Saibel.

Saibel is feeling positive after the new tryouts. “I’m impressed with the kids and adults. There was a good general sense of creating a process that’s much clearer – captains can focus on being leaders and teachers without having been any hard feelings attached to the selections made,” he said.

Based on the judges’ rubric, no dancers were cut after the new tryouts were held, raising the number of dancers on the team to 26, plus three team captains. Before, there were a total of 19 dancers in the group.

The troupe has been practicing on the weekends to get ready for the rally, and even rented out a space to practice, according to co-captain senior Jannely Calmell. “I’m excited about the new group of people, they’re very committed,” Calmell said.

Dance Troupe will be holding another round of tryouts at the beginning of next semester, according to Saibel.

What is your guilty pleasure and hidden talent?


“Cheese and crackers is my guilty pleasure, juggling is my hidden talent.” – Cooper Clark

“My guilty pleasure is those chocolate cakes from Paradise Market. I’m honestly kind of known for that chocolate cake. And not many people know that I can speak Spanish fluently.” – Eric Saibel

“My guilty pleasure is watching cheesy Netflix movies and my hidden talent is that I can play the spoons really well. I’m like an alternative drummer.” – Diana Winkler

“My guilty pleasure is dark-chocolate peanut butter cups from Trader Joes, and I’m not supposed to eat them because I’m lactose intolerant. My hidden talent is that I played on the boys varsity soccer team when I was in high school.” – Sue Fox

“Engines. My guilty pleasure is engines: I love to play with them, tinker with them, stare at them, and rebuild them. I’m obsessed. And my hidden talent is singing.” – Barton Clark

“My talent is that I can do a standing jump very high and I can draw cartoons. My guilty pleasure is playing asteroids on the computer.” – Steve Bluestone

“My hidden talent is string tricks. I’m really good at cat’s cradle. My guilty pleasure is watching Breaking Bad.” – Susanna Nash

“My hidden talent is that I can change three diapers in under a minute. My guilty pleasure eating spoonfuls of peanut butter and nutella for dinner.” – Aaron Wilkerson

“My talent is that I’m a pretty good dancer. I dance and sing in my house a lot, mostly for my cats. I’ll make up songs about them. My guilty pleasure is Breaking Bad. My wife doesn’t know I watch it.” – Tristan Bodle

“Guilty pleasure is Zachary’s Pizza. I recommend you go there right after school. And my talent is that I can change a diaper in the middle of the night without actually waking up. It’s like it never happened.” – Rod Milstead